When a car crash or similar, unpredictable event claims the life of your loved one, it can take weeks for you and other grieving family members to really accept the loss. Coming to terms with a sudden death is often the first step toward recovery.
However, it can take months or even years for those closest to someone who dies suddenly to work through the emotions the loss creates. Giving yourself space and time to adequately heal and offering support and patience for loved ones who are also struggling to accept your family’s recent tragedy are both important. However, don’t let concerns about your emotional or mental health leave you in a situation where you lose out on certain important rights after the death of a loved one.
New York limits how long you have to seek compensation because of a death
There are multiple statutes of limitation in New York. These rules limit how long someone is culpable for certain behaviors. There are statutes of limitation that impact the government’s right to bring criminal charges against an individual. There are also statutes of limitation that affect the rights of the citizens to bring a financial claim against another person.
When it comes to wrongful death claims, which are a type of personal injury claim, New York only gives people two years to initiate their claim. Those who wait too long to seek justice could find that they don’t have any options, even if they have compelling evidence about the fault of the other party.
Waiting until the last minute puts you in a precarious position
There’s no reason for you to head straight out to the courts to file a civil suit within days of your loved one dying, but you also shouldn’t wait until the statute of limitations is about to expire.
In the weeks after your unexpected loss, you may want to start discussing your options and reviewing the details of the incident with someone who can give you advice about whether or not you have a claim.
After a thorough analysis, if you decide to move forward with a wrongful death suit, doing so well before the statute of limitations expires will help ensure you don’t lose the opportunity to seek justice and hold the responsible party accountable for the impact of their actions or negligence on your life and your family.