Distracted driving seems to be an ever-increasing problem throughout New York and across the country. Motorists are becoming far too confident in their ability to multi-task while driving, which means that they take their eyes off the road for disturbingly long periods of time. In these seemingly fleeting moments when their attention is diverted, these motorists can swerve into oncoming traffic, blow through a stoplight or fail to yield to a pedestrian.
Unfortunately, there’s no end in sight when it comes to distracted driving. In fact, a recent study from the Insurance Institute for Highway safety found that cell phone use amongst drivers is riskier than ever. While the study found that overall cell phone use has decreased, it also found that drivers are manipulating their phones by texting or surfing the Internet 57 percent more frequently compared to 2014.
This statistic shows that current laws related to texting and driving aren’t working with the vigor that was intended. Sadly, this type of distracted driving causes hundreds of deaths each year and thousands of injuries. Victims of these wrecks, as well as surviving family members of those killed in these car accidents, may want to consider legal action in hopes of imposing liability and recovering compensation for damages inflicted upon them.
With 25 percent of drivers being distracted, the chances are good that those hurt in a car accident were injured because of the negligence of another. This is wholly unacceptable, which is why skilled legal professionals stand ready to help these victims build the strong legal case they need to succeed. Hopefully, then, liability can be imposed and further attention will be paid to this epidemic of a problem. Perhaps the next personal injury or wrongful death claim will be the one to spur additional action that helps curtail distracted driving the dangers it imposes.