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Is it dangerous having too much amniotic fluid?

On Behalf of | Mar 25, 2021 | Birth Injuries

A problem with amniotic fluid can pose a threat to a mother and child in some cases. Having too much amniotic fluid could lead to pregnancy complications, trouble breathing and preterm labor.

Short of an X-ray, MRI, ultrasound or other imaging test, diagnosis relies on recognizing the symptoms of this condition.

What symptoms should make you concerned about having too much amniotic fluid?

Some of the symptoms that occur with this condition include:

  • Bleeding from the vagina after giving birth
  • Early labor
  • Severe breathing problems
  • Uterine atony
  • Unusual positioning of the fetus

For women and their families, it’s a good idea to look for the more obvious symptoms, such as a prolapsed umbilical cord, signs of preterm labor, trouble breathing and an unusual fetal position.

What are the risk factors for having too much amniotic fluid?

Knowing the risk factors can help you or your loved one be prepared for the possibility of having too much amniotic fluid. Your medical provider should be familiar with the risk factors, too, such as:

  • Having diabetes
  • Carrying twins or more than one fetus
  • Rh incompatibility
  • Birth defects in the fetus
  • Genetic disorders of the fetus

These and other risk factors should be discussed before or during a pregnancy when it’s apparent that a woman has too much amniotic fluid present.

What are the potential consequences of having too much amniotic fluid?

Many women who have too much amniotic fluid will have no symptoms at all. However, some may go into preterm labor, struggle to breathe normally or have a placental abruption. Some conditions, like the placental abruption, can be life-threatening and should be treated as soon as possible.

How does a doctor diagnose if a woman has too much amniotic fluid?

To diagnose a woman, the doctor can use tests to examine the cervix and vagina. They may also use an ultrasonography test to measure how much fluid seems to be present. Blood tests may be performed to identify any disorders that may affect the amniotic fluid before a woman gets pregnant or if there is concern when she’s carrying her child.
