One Of New York’s Most Respected Personal Injury Firms

NYC Prescription Error Lawyers

If you or a loved one suspect that you were the victim of prescription errors, discuss your case with us. A prescription error is the result of the negligence of one of the parties involved, which may include the doctor who prescribed your medicine or the pharmacy that filled the prescription. In cases like these, your health could be at serious risk.

At Paul B. Weitz & Associates, PC, we have a record of multimillion-dollar recoveries in medical malpractice cases for our New York clients. We are prepared to listen to your concerns and evaluate your matter to decide the course of action to protect your interests and rights.

Common Prescription Errors, And How We Can Help

Damages due to prescription errors could result in hospitalization or even death. In the United States, more than 6,000 individuals die due to prescription errors each year, while thousands experience adverse reactions like a rash or itching. In addition to physical damage, patients often experience emotional pain and suffering and psychological trauma.

The following are some of the common prescription errors we have encountered in our practice:

  • Prescription of improper dose or wrong dose of formulation
  • Wrong route errors, such as administering oral medications intravenously
  • Omissions regarding the administration of the drug such as dosage and frequency

At Paul B. Weitz & Associates, PC, we have helped individuals fight for justice and compensation after experiencing medical malpractice and prescription errors since the 1970s. Our attention to detail and personalized services have earned us our clients’ trust and a substantial record of recovered compensations.

Call To Discuss Your Concerns In A Free Consultation

Discuss your concerns with our compassionate New York prescription errors lawyers in a free consultation. Call our office in New York City at 646-916-3179 or fill out our secure online contact form. We serve all five boroughs, as well as New York in its entirety. You pay our fees only if we win.