One Of New York’s Most Respected Personal Injury Firms

NYC Public Transportation Accident Lawyers

In New York City, everyone uses mass transit at some point. It could be the subway, the bus or a commuter train, but everyone must deal with mass transit sooner or later. When accidents happen on public transportation and you have an injury, you deserve to act and pursue compensation.

At , we have pursued claims of all sizes and circumstances on behalf of our clients. We can take aggressive, immediate action to secure the compensation you deserve. And when it comes to accidents involving the New York City Mass Transit Authority, time is of the essence.

Accelerated Time Limits For Municipal Cases

In New York City, any action taken against the municipality must happen quickly. You must file a Notice of Claim within 90 days. You must file a lawsuit against the City within one year and 90 days.

Those time limits can seem like a great deal of time, but it is not. During those first 90 days, you may be:

  • Receiving possibly extensive medical treatment
  • Working full time
  • Taking care of your children
  • Managing your household

The daily activities of your life do not stop because you had an accident. You may have time off from work, but that’s not guaranteed. You might get help with your family, but that’s not guaranteed. What is guaranteed is that if you miss the filing deadlines, the extensive medical bills in front of you will be your responsibility.

These are not low-stakes cases. Municipal accidents have the potential for painful, devastating injuries, which can require extensive, long-term treatment. Our firm is uniquely suited to fight for you.

Pursuing Claims Against NYC

We have taken action against the City’s negligence before and found success. Our cases have resulted in real change in how the City secures its premises and transportation before. We will gladly pursue action on your behalf.

Reach out to our office today to speak with an attorney in a free consultation. You can reach us by email or by phone at 646-916-3179. We work on a contingency basis and will not accept a fee unless we get results for you. Se habla español.